Hi everyone! Thanks for joining me.
I’m Josh with Online ADA, and today we’re gonna cover article 1.2.5.
This is actually overlapping content with article 1.2.3. If you recall in that video we talked about a text transcript or an audio description.
This is basically saying the same thing, except it’s telling you that if you wanna meet AA compliance, you actually have to select the audio description in this case.
The text transcript is great, but apparently it’s not considered compliant for level A compatibility. You will the audio description. And a recap of that. I’ll go ahead and read off to you here.
Audio description is provided for all pre-recorded video content in synchronize media. Again, synchronized media is when you have audio and video playing together at the same time, and this is pre-recorded so it is not live.
And audio description, is once more, it’s the narrator who’s narrating what’s happening on the scene as the actors are talking in the video, or as things are happening. If horses are running across the screen the narrator is gonna tell you about that.
If you have a logo flashing across the screen, like the Universal logo or like, the movie is coming into view and it’s fading from black and you’ve got, like, the sun cresting up behind the globe and the word Universal are coming out from around, thy’re sort of spiraling around.
All that stuff is going to be in the audio description and this is going to be very helpful for users of your site who are visually impaired or do not have access to the visual content. This just provides them an alternative way of getting the same content.
And that is all there is for this article. It’s just overlap. WCAG is trying to provide a lot of different methods for meeting compliance, so they give you a lot of overlap in these 1.2 guidelines.
So articles 1.2.3, 1.2.5, definitely overlap here, but it’s important, again, to remember that 1.2.5 is necessary and trumps 1.2.3 if you’re looking forAA compliance.
You pretty much scratch out 1.2.3 and just take the advice of the 1.2.5 here.
In fact, if you were looking for AA compliance with synchronized media, which is the most common situation I run into on websites, YouTube, Vimeo, things like that, or even just user uploaded content.
Synchronized media you’re looking for captions and you’re looking for audio descriptions.
Those two things are what you need to meet AA compliance.
Thanks for joining me. This has been 1.2.5. I’m Josh with Online ADA, and I’ll see you in the next video.